1. 独立口语任务(Independent Speaking Tasks)
- 开场白:简短介绍主题和你的主要观点。
例如:“Today, I'd like to talk about a book that has greatly influenced me, namely ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho.”
- 主体段落一:提供背景信息或故事的起始。
例如:“This novel tells the story of a young shepherd named Santiago who embarks on a journey to fulfill his dreams.”
- 主体段落二:描述关键事件或转折点。
例如:“One pivotal moment in the story is when Santiago meets an alchemist who guides him towards self-discovery.”
- 结尾段:总结你的观点并提供结论。
例如:“Overall, ‘The Alchemist’ teaches us the importance of pursuing our passions and following our hearts.”
2. 独立口语任务(Independent Speaking Tasks)
- 开场白:明确你要讨论的主题和你的立场。
例如:“I firmly believe that environmental conservation should be a top priority for all countries.”
- 主体段落一:提出支持你立场的个理由。
例如:“Firstly, protecting the environment ensures the sustainability of natural resources for future generations.”
- 主体段落二:提出第二个支持你立场的理由。
例如:“Secondly, a clean environment is vital for the health and well-being of all living beings.”
- 结尾段:重申你的立场并简要概述理由。
例如:“In conclusion, prioritizing environmental conservation is crucial for our planet's health and the welfare of its inhabitants.”
3. 学术讲座听力后的口语回答(Academic Lecture Listening Task)
- 引言:简述讲座的主题和主要论点。
例如:“The lecture today focused on the concept of cognitive dissonance in psychology.”
- 主体段落一:概括讲座中提到的个关键点。
例如:“Firstly, the lecturer explained that cognitive dissonance occurs when one holds two or more conflicting beliefs.”
- 主体段落二:概括第二个关键点。
例如:“Secondly, the lecture provided examples of how people try to reduce dissonance through changing their beliefs or behaviors.”
- 结尾段:总结讲座的核心观点。
例如:“Overall, understanding cognitive dissonance is essential for recognizing how individuals process information and make decisions.”
4. 学术讨论或讲座后的口语回答(Academic Discussion or Lecture Listening Task)
- 引言:简介讨论或讲座的主题和你的总体印象。
例如:“The discussion today revolved around the impact of social media on interpersonal communication.”
- 主体段落一:描述讨论中的一个观点,并提供你的反应。
例如:“One point made was that social media can lead to a decline in face-to-face communication skills. I agree with this view as it reduces the practice of meaningful conversations.”
- 主体段落二:描述另一个观点,并给出你的看法。
例如:“Another argument suggested that social media facilitates connections among people worldwide. However, I believe that these connections often lack depth due to the impersonal nature of digital interactions.”
- 结尾段:总结你的评价和讨论的重要性。
例如:“While social media has its benefits, it's crucial to recognize its potential drawbacks and find a balance between online and offline communication.”